Cleft fencing is the original method by which our ancestors fenced their land thousands of years ago. Still continued today by a few skilled craftsmen, cleft oak or chestnut fencing makes a durable, and very strong, attractive barrier.
The best materials for this are oak or chestnut; both of which have a high resilient strength, are suitable to cleave or split and have a high natural tannin content protecting the wood from rot. Chestnut with its very high tannin content and minimal sap wood provides the best durability as posts set into the ground. We now mostly use chestnut which we find more durable than oak, though we will still use oak when requested. A 15 to 20 year life span would be expected.
All materials are locally harvested and riven (split) by hand into posts, rails or upright broad pales.
Chestnut is available all year whereas oak is harvested and split to order.
Matching gates from riven chestnut and oak are available.
For materials in chestnut (for oak add 70%) ; including VAT
Rails – standard length of 9’6″ at £18.00 giving 9’ centres for the posts
Posts – for a 3’ to 4′ high fence, £18 each plus £3.60 per mortice hole (to accept a pair of rails). Above this height add £6.00 per foot
Pales – feather edged pales suitable for picket fencing; £1.20 per foot approximately 3 inches wide.
Half round pales are available when material is in stock.
Gate Hurdles – standard size 3 feet 6 inches by 6 feet £140.00
Delivery and instalment is available; an estimate of £40 a post plus delivery.
For installations using pales, an extra £25 per bay is charged.
Please contact us for more details and a quote